[u]الى جمبع منسوبي البريد الموقرين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ليس دفاعا عن احد انني اريد لكل ذي حق ياخذ حقه
ولكن هناك طرق اسرع واسهل لكل مظلوم في اخذ حقه
دون شك في مصداقيتنا لبعض الموظفين الذين لم ياخذوا حقهم
وراي الخاص من العبد الضعيف لكم ولي بان باب الرئيس ليس
مغلقا في وجه اي موظف وهذا الصحيح اولا لان ليس كل مايدور
يعلمه الرئيس ولكن ان خبأو عنه من وثق فيهم يجب ان يحاسبوا
وارغب منكم ووالله لم اشوف الرئيس الا مرة واحدة عند احد جولاته
ولكن اريد ان ابين باننا لايجب ان نتعدى مرجعنا اولا وسوف ترون حقوقكم
انا عندي ثقة بان الرئيس لم يكون الا عونا للمظلوم الذي لم ياخذ حقه
واخيرا تكلفة ذلك ليس برقية ولا بريد ممتاز لا ان تذهب الى مكتبه وتقابله وتتظلم
وتطلب الذي ذهبت من اجله
اتمنى للجميع التوفيق وان ترنا الله الحق حق ويرزقنا اتباعه والباطل تجنبنا اتباعه[/u]
An urgent telegram
to all the distinguished employees of the postal organization
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Iam not defending anyone when I say that every right owner should get his rights
But there are always ways faster and easier for all the oppressed in getting their rights back
Without doubt in the credibility of some of the staff who did not get their rights
My personal opinion as a humble modest man is that the door to your chairman is not
Closed in the face of any employee and that is correct, first because the chairman doesnot always know all what is going on,yet if the people in the circle of his trust hide the truth from him and don't tell him,then they must be held accountable
I swear to God I have never seen The chairman but only once during one of his tours,
But I want to clarify that we should not skip our references at first , then you will get your rights back
I have confidence that the chairman has always been helpful to the oppressed, the people who did not get their rights back
Finally, the cost of that is not a telegram or excellent mail, but you should go to his office and talk with him about your complaint and the injustice that happened to you.
And requests that I went for it
I wish all success and may God help us see the right as right and wrong and help us to follow his followers and help us avoid the wrong.