السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،،
(الدعاء منقول بشيء من التصرف، وأرجو منكم الدعاء بدون تحديد أسماء، فربكم أعلم بمن ظلمكم، وأكل أموالكم ومن أعان كل ظالم أو تستر عليه).
(أدعوا الله وأنتم موقنون بالاجابة).

اللهم اني اسالك في هذا اليوم الفضيل من هذا الشهر المبارك، بانك انت ربنا وولينا وناصر المظلومين يا من قلت وقولك الحق لدعوة المظلوم "وعزتي وجلالي لانصرنك ولو بعد حين".

اللهم ان كان في سابق علمك انهم لا ينوون اعادة الاموال عاجلا:
اللهم فعليك بأهل الظلم وكل من ساندهم وعاونهم وتستر عليهم، اللهم عليك بكل من أخفى حقيقة، وكل من له يد في ضياع اموالنا وقطع ارزاقنا ..اللهم اشغله في نفسه وابتليه في ماله وصحته وبدنه واهله ..اللهم اجعله يتمنى الموت فلا يجده ...اللهم سلط عليهم من لا يخافك فيهم ولا يرحمهم.

اللهم ان كان في سابق علمك انهم لا ينوون اعادة اموال عاجلا:
اللهم فمن حرم الناس اموالهم وماطل بهم، فاحرمه الجنة، وضيق عليه عيشه كما ضيق على الناس عيشهم,اللهم امحق بركة ماله وعياله ونفسه وصحته حتى يرد أموال اليتامى والارامل والفقراء والمساهمين, اللهم جازه شر ما جازيت, اللهم أدم عليه سهره, واقطع عنه سروره, ولون عليه همومه, واكثر بؤسه, وشيبه, وحطم فؤاده, واسقه كأس المنون بعد أن تسقيه كؤوس البلاء، حتى يعود للحق ويرد الأموال للمساهمين.
اللهم اجعل تدميرهم في تدبيرهم.
اللهم أبدل عزهم ذلا.ً
وغناهم فقراً.
ووحدتهم تشتتا.
وصحتهم مرضاً.
وقوتهم ضعفاً.

اللهم إني أسألك بأنك أنت الله رب كل شي ومليكه أنت قيوم السماوت والارض ومن فيهن أسألك يا قوي يا متين أن ترد أموال المسلمين بقوتك وجبروتك يا عظيم.. اللهم آمين ... اللهم آمين ... اللهم آمين.

Prayer against who takes the people's money unjustly or unfairly, or helped an oppressor or covered him up

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings.
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. (the prayer is Moved somehow, and I hope that you pray without specifying names, including since your God knows your injustice, who took your money and oppressed you or helped to cover it).
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. (Pray to God and be sure he will answer).

. I ask You in this holy day of this holy month, you are the Lord and the help of the oppressed, and you who said right of the oppressed "with my Glory and Majesty I will bring the rights of the oppressed back even after a while."

Oh God, if it was in your previous knowledge that they do not intend to return the money soon:
O take vengeance from the people of injustice and all who supported them ,assisted and cover them, O you know all of the hidden truth, anyone who has a hand in the loss of our money and harming our livelihood .. God punish him in his wealth and his health and his body and his family .. God make him wish for death yet can not find him ... God bring to them who have no mercy.

Oh God, if it was in your previous knowledge that they do not intend to return the money soon::
God, who denied people their money, and remiss to them, forbid him from Paradise, and narrow down his living as he narrowed people's livelihood, God punish him in his money and his family and himself and his health till he gives back the property of orphans, widows and the poor and shareholders, O God punish him with the same evil he did, O keep him worried, and cut his delight, and increase his concerns , and give him more misery, and break his heart, and make him drink from complaining Cup after Quenching scourge cups, till he returns back to the right and return the property to its shareholders back.
Oh God, make them destroy themselves.
God replace their pride with humiliation.
Riches with poverty.
. Unity with dispersion.
. Health with disease.
Strength with weakness.

Oh God, I ask you that you are the Lord of everything you and the king , and I ask you a strong solid foundation that you are to bring back the stolen wealth of the Muslims oh great .. ... God Amen ... ... God Amen ... . God Amen.