صارلي تقريبا سنتين ونصف اسمع في التكليف ولم استحقه في بريد عرعر من تحت الشليل لذلك نطلب من الله ثم للاداره الانصاف

بين الموظفين وليس اكبرهمهم الواسطه متنا من الواسطه اللي عمه واللي خاله واللي اخوه والموظف اللي ماوراه احد يبلط بحر

I have been almost two and a half years hearing about the assignment and I didnot deserve it in the mail of Arar ,Therefore, we ask God and then the administration's equity

Between the staff whose biggest concern isnot the means,we have died of means f,those whose Old uncle and brother and the employee who doesn't have means will be helpless