تحية طيبة .......... وبعد

في الاواني الاخيرة ، كثر الحديث عن الفروقات وللاسف كثير من الزملاء ، ليسة لديهم مصداقية . بدل من ان ندعو لهم .... كثير من قام بالدعاء عليهم .
اتمنى من الزملاء عدم نقل اي خبر غير اكيد حتى لا .......... عليهم
امل ان يلقى هذا الطلب عناية الزملاء .

That God loves when one of you do his job well)

. Greetings

. In the last few days, there has been a lot of talk about the differences and, unfortunately, many of our colleagues, without any credibility. .... Rather than to call them . There were Many of the prayers against them.
I hope colleagues not to transfer any indefinite news
I hope that all colleagues take care of this demand