الحقوا يا كبار البريد السعودي موظف الاشتراكات (هـ - ج) المتغطرس على العملاء والذي دوماً ما يقوم بتطنيش العملاء والنفخ عليهم وقد حذرة مدير المكتب اكثر من مره ولكن لا حياة لمن ينادي بل وصل به التغطرس انه يوصف العملاء بالاغبياء وقد حرر عليه محضر بسبب تعاليه على العملاء وعدم خدمة , وكله كوم واللي بقوله كوم اذا جاء عميل وطلب فتح صندوق يقوم بالنظر الية اذا عجبة يصرف له صندوق واذا ما عجبة يقوم بتصريفه والتحجج بعدم وجود صناديق وهذا اخر ما توصل اليه هذا المتغطرس انه يتصرف على كيفه والله قويه ....

وللمعلوميه :
انه اول ما باشر عمله بالبريد كان يعمل في قسم الفرز والان يعمل موظف اشتراكات لا وابشركم لسى ما ترسم لحد الان بعقد وهو كذا كيف لو ترسم الله يستر يمكن يسير مدير الـــ ولا ماني مكمل هههههههههه

والان الامر بين يديكم فماذا انتم فاعلين .......
Post Office Elraseefa and arrogant subscriptions employee ...

O seniors of Saudi Postal ,watch the subscriptions employee (e - c) who is arrogant to customers, which is always ignoring the customers and blow them ,and he ha been warned by the director of the post office more than once, but no lives to whom you call, but he didn't listen and it got so fr that he describes the clients as idiots ,and he has been edited a record because of arrogance on the customers and not serving them, if a client came and requested to open a mailbox and asked to open the box,so this employee looks at him,if he liked him he gave him the box,otherwise he claimed that there were no boxes left and sent him away, he behaves as he likes ....

and just so you know
The first time he started his career in the post he worked in the mail sorting section and now he works as subscription employee and he is still on contract,he hasn't been fixed yet, what if he got installed,he may become a manager God forbid if you can not walk the Director ,or else i won't say it Hahahahaha

And it is now present to you what will you do