المشكله تتلخص
1-انافي المرتبه الخامسه منذثمانية عشر سنه ولم اترقى
2-الراتب منذ اربع اشهر لم يستقر مرنازل ومره طالع شهرشعبان ناقص سبع ريال
3-جميع الموضفين يستطيعو الدخول لنضام الماليهويطلعون على رواتبهم ماعدى انا
4-جميع الموضفين اتتهم زياده ثلاث سلالم والبعض سلمين الاانا
من المسؤل حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
Who is responsible

Problem is
1 - I am ranked fifth since 18 years,yet I haven't been promoted
2 - My salary hasnot been stable for four months one time is decreased,and other time is increased,In the month of Shaabaan,I found it minus seven SR
3 - All staff are able login to the financial system to take a look on their salaries,while I can't
4 - All employees had an increase of three ladders and others by two except for me
who is responsible, God is my agent